Eduardo Romero - Project Floruit

Eduardo Romero

Eduardo Romero is a Psychologist, born and bred in Argentina, who lives in Barcelona, Spain.

He works in organisational psychology, researching and lecturing on expanded states of consciousness.

I believe that it is not the certainties but the doubts that take us forward. It is the questions we ask ourselves that guide us through the different landscapes of life. At least this is what has happened to me. About ten years ago I began questioning these questions. I began to question the questions I was asking about myself. I began to question their origin, their roots, and to accept gradually that our own reality, everything we experience, consciously or not, depends on the questions that we ask ourselves. In a way, it is the questions that create the answers, and it is the steps that create the landscapes.

If I want to establish a starting point to my journey, I would say that after the death of my parents, precisely a decade ago, my questions changed. All my external gaze turned inwards. All questions about my being, about who I am, became vital and essential for me in order to continue on life's path and eventually progress from existence to flourishing.

Through my exploration into expanded states of consciousness, I discovered that deep within me there was no-one, nothing, except love. As a quantum physicist of myself, this process led me to encounter paradoxes, vibration and emptiness. It led me to consider further ontological depths. I experienced myself as being “nobody”, “nothing”. Nevertheless, that experience was for me the most real thing I could ever have experienced. I found within me an empty space full of love, light, silence, totality and unity. That place was without a doubt my home, my answer and my question, the destination and the path of my brief existence.

When I came back from this experience, my name was still there. My profession, my desires, my willingness, my body, my love, my passions, my shadow. All that which makes “Eduardo” was there. An “Eduardo” who I now consider to be a carefully constructed illusion. The illusion of myself had been challenged in a radical way but was still persisting. Limited and burnt, but persisting.

From that moment on, my interest in the mystery of consciousness continued to grow. I then worked further, investigating different areas of consciousness, exploring their dynamics, their spectra, their colours. I worked further still, trying to navigate those waters more and more deeply, just for the desire to travel and find myself there, and find “you” (others) in there.

I continue today on this same fiery path of becoming who I am. The path of becoming love, consciousness, happiness, transcendence, meaning, existence, art. My questions about what is essential dance along without any certainties, and I explore these questions through my writings. Writings in the shape of essays, poetic prose or simple stories, which try to reveal the astonished and captive gaze of the one who asks the questions, and the mysterious beauty of the one who always but never answers.